We hope you enjoyed your visit at "MANOYSOS". Filling out the following form, will give us the opportunity of serving you and others better. Your comments and observations will help us in becoming better and will help bring the quality of "MANOYSOS" at the level that you want.
Did you visit "MANOYSOS"?
Date Hour 1)Reception/Welcoming : bad medium good very good excellent
2)Behavior of personnel : bad medium good very good excellent
3)Service: bad medium good very good excellent
4)Time for service: bad medium good very good excellent
5)Quality of food : bad medium good very good excellent
6)Cleanliness : bad medium good very good excellent
7)Relation of service, quality / price : bad medium good very good excellent
Would you recommend us to a friend : Yes No
Based on your last experience will you visit "MANOYSOS": Least often Often More often
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